in the Caughlin Ranch Shopping Center
(next to Raleys)
4786 Caughlin Pkwy, Ste 301. Reno NV 89519
775 - 825 3687
Keep scrolling, detailed information below...

Changes that you will notice this 2020 - 2021 season
...will have to do with the safety and well-being of our students, their families, our staff, and our studio friends. Our goal is to not just teach dance, but to teach dance in the safest and cleanest manner and environment available in today's world. *While we have always maintained a clean studio, we can now say that it is not only a new and clean studio, but it is sanitized as well.
*We are utilizing UV(c) lights daily to eliminate germs and virus, which is 99.99% effective.
*We have the plexiglass barriers up at the front desk.
*We have purchased extra portable barres to further space out our dancers in class.
*We have added more instructors to assist with the In Studio double class-room instruction.
*Staff and teachers will be wearing masks when required or necessary.
*We will follow our same protocol as was in place from March, 2020 to prevent the spread of the virus.
*Face masks are not required, unless governed by the governor's statutes. (Not necessary for the tiny tots in the Koala Kids Kombos)
*Temperatures (touchless) will be taken upon entry if virus returns,
*Shoes changed once in the studio lobby.
*Hands washed frequently,
*Hand sanitizers throughout the facility,
And, *maintain social distancing by staying at least 6 feet apart during virus concerns.
*Parents are encouraged to observe class through front windows when virus strains advance in our Reno community..
The biggest change will be class sizes.
...Our 'In Studio' classes will be limited to 12 - 14 students per class in studio A and 10 - 12 in studio B, with just 6 students with the teacher in Studio C for vocal and piano, allowing us to maintain the social distancing standards set by the healthcare experts. The floors will have taped borders for each dancer's area if required social distancing. We have also scheduled a few classes to take place in Studio A or Studio B at the same time, allowing the entire class to be 'In Studio', plus we have added a Studio D to utilize when necessary.
We designed a "Weekly Rotate Schedule - if and when in a mandatory "Lock-Down"
...Students that are not 'In Studio' will take the class on 'Zoom' and will rotate each week as necessary. (Eg: 15 students registered for a class : 5 + on 'Zoom' & 8 - 10 'In Studio'.) Once there is a vaccine or cure for Covid-19, we will resume full classes in the studio. We understand that many parents and students prefer to take their classes either from 'Their Home' or 'In Studio'. We strive to accommodate each family's needs and know there is "No one quick fix for All".
Speaking of Zoom classes....we found that students who were able to participate on Zoom via a smart TV or large screen, responded much better and learned quicker than those at home who viewed and participated in class with a small screen or mobile phone. Those who took tap or Irish and had a hard floor or 4' x 4' piece of plywood to dance on, did as well as those in studio classes. While none of us feels that Zoom is the answer, we are all thankful for it as many businesses have found that it has saved their business while keeping their teachers and students actively involved in their dance..
....We have tried to keep them as close to last year's as possible. See those posted in "Schedules".
Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have...
Amanda (Director & Instructor): 775 745 0820 (cell ph/text) amanda_dancin@hotmail.com
Robin (Studio Administrator): 775 825 3687 (front desk) robin.parker.dancin@gmail.com
As Always,
Best Regards and Virtual Hugs...We can't wait to see you soon!
Ms Mandy x
Amanda Coulson